Rebecca Gutman Todesursache, Kinder, Ehemann

Rebecca Gutman Todesursache, Kinder, Ehemann


Rebecca Gutman Todesursache, Kinder, Ehemann: Rebecca Gutman, a native of Berlin, ran the Gestüt Bonhomme facility in Werder/Potsdam, Germany, for many years. With Cadeau Noir, Maracana, Fiderdance, Grey Flanell, Morricone, or the OS-Siegerhengst Zinedream, the successful Hengststation offers a need for impressive deckhengsten.


In 2019, the Gestüt Bonhomme was able to secure the champion title and the damalic promising future of Cadeau Noir x Licosto for 1.890.000,00 Euro.

Rebecca Gutman Todesursache

Rebecca Gutman Todesursache: Rebecca Gutman Todesursache: Viel entscheidender was die Philosophie hinter dem Gestüt, welches durch viel Leidenschaft und Pferdeverstand erst zu dem wurde, was es heute ist. 

With heavy hearts, we say goodbye to our beloved chef, friend, and confidante Rebecca Gutman. After a short but severe illness, she was unexpectedly and prematurely pronounced dead. Our thoughts are with their closest family members.

Her mother and daughter have built a hippological paradise called Bonhomme, named after the französische translation of the Gutman family name, near the Berlin Toren in Werder.

Mainly, she operated her own real estate firm in the city, but anybody who saw her in Brandenburg, where she lived with her four children, saw a woman who shone with joy. Intuitive, with a heartfelt chuckle, and with a great deal of empathy for horses’ needs.


That each conversational partner is drawn into his or her own ear. They created a cultural hotspot, a world-renowned meeting place where not only extraordinary people but also extraordinary things come together.


In addition, spectacular horse races for the Golden and Silver Pferd are held for Springreiters. In addition, where the well-being of the horses is always a top priority. Currently, the Pferdewelt is being dispersed by tragedies.


Because Rebecca Gutmann passed away at the age of 54 after a long illness. We grieve with the rest of the Gestüt Bonhomme staff, but our hearts go to Evelyn Gutman, whose strength we admire for taking on the primary burden of this heinous act.

Rebecca Gutman Kinder

It’s with great admiration and awe that we gaze over Rebecca’s life’s work, which she has left behind. On Gestüt Bonhomme, she established and lived by the philosophy of treating horses with respect.

Your goal of combining the highest levels of international competition with an age- and art-appropriate approach to horse training and handling has been accomplished.

Rebecca leaves behind a body of work that we all look at with a mixture of sadness and admiration. She established and lived out her philosophy of treating horses with respect while working at Gestüt Bonhomme. You’ve done a great job with your concept of…

Fiderd She was able to compete at the highest levels of international sport while still caring for and protecting her animals in an age- and art-appropriate manner,

never losing sight of the importance of animal welfare in her work.

Rebecca Gutmann, the chef at Werder’s Bonhomme restaurant in Berlin’s Toren,

died at the age of only thirty-one after a brief but difficult illness. She was only a few years old at the time. The company is in deep sorrow. Rebecca Gutmann was more than just a horse lover.

Hauptberuflich betrieb sie ihr väterliches Immobilienunternehmen in der Stadt, doch wer sie in Brandenburg mit ihren vier Kindern sah,

sah eine strahlende und glückliche Frau. Charmant, voller Einfühlungsvermögen für die Belange der Pferde und mit einem herzlichen Lachen.

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