This Is How Drone Protection For Historical Monuments Works: Ground-Breaking Drone Solution!
There are currently more than 25 significant monuments in India, and almost twelve new statues are being built across the country.

We may proudly state that our country’s diversity is what gives it the rich historical foundation that it does. These historical landmarks have a direct impact on the economic development of our nation. One such tourist destination is the Taj Mahal, which boosts our nation’s foreign exchange earnings.
Ancient civilization had monuments, which have taught us a lot about how people lived in those times. Given that they were constructed using sound architectural principles, they have significant scientific significance. Regarding their designs, many of them still leave a lot of issues unresolved. To uncover these truths, several historical scholars have been working on various places. For the sake of our future generations, they must be preserved at all costs. It follows that our nation’s top priority should be ensuring the protection of these landmarks.
Some criminals could damage these monuments in order to attract the attention of the public and the government. Currently, these dangers are successfully controlled by a number of governmental organisations. Most of these sites’ protection used to be overseen by The Archeological Survey of India, but a few years ago, that responsibility was transferred to The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF).
Knowing that this change was made in response to mounting concerns about the risks to these monuments is crucial. When we examine the reality, we must see that these threats have even started to fly. Drones represent a new threat to the nation’s numerous significant government structures and monuments, according to a report by the Ministry of Aviation.
Drones are an important technical innovation, but if utilised improperly, they may also become a problem. UAVs are an excellent choice for a carrier since they can travel at extremely low altitudes and very fast speeds. As a result, there is a very high likelihood that they will be utilised in assaults against monuments and other significant government structures. It is necessary to create a better approach to address this brand-new security danger.
The Anti-drone solution that ACSG Corp has been working on concentrates on the implementation of stringent methods to bring these rogue drones down. The goal is to prevent the rogue drones from entering the high-security areas and to eliminate them quickly, long before they endanger these vitally important structures. These drones may be carrying explosives or possibly weapons and ammo.
Since very few locations have a counter-drone management system, many of these monuments provide easy targets for attackers. This security vulnerability might be a weakness in the protection of a significant landmark. The anti-drone security architecture should be a goal for all security organisations in these locations.
Due to its simplicity of deployment at any place, this innovative technology has a significant advantage over traditional security measures. These gadgets were created after much study, so they can recognise drones from a distance. The present aerial surveillance systems have the drawback of being made to detect larger airborne objects, such planes and helicopters. The drones’ lower size makes it simple for them to fly below radar and arrive to their intended location.
Since the threat now is considerably different from what it was ten years ago, we must admit that we need an anti-drone system more than before. Because of technological breakthroughs that have altered the danger landscape, our security measures in certain locations have not been able to keep up. We should act quickly rather than wait and watch for any mishaps to occur since failing to preserve these monuments would be a significant security failure that would negatively influence the country’s reputation.